Update: The Return is in Sight

It has taken a few YEARS, but Studio Atelier will be re-activated soon. My studio is now functional, and I've been warming up with some sketches and watercolors. I also have been taking some online classes through the Sktchy app and from Dreama Tolle Perry.

I hope you are having fun with your art. Check back here in August for the new Studio Atelier painting challenge!

Current Painting Challenge


Sunday, September 26, 2010

October Challenge: A Public Landscape

Submittal Deadline:  October 24 2010
11:59 PM MDT

I was delighted to received so many submittals on Garden of the Gods.  I love everyone's interpretations and am humbled that the picture inspired more than one of you.  Thank-you for these gifts!

From the gods' garden to one of man's creations, this month's picture shows a median strip near a local office building.  I was surprised one late and HOT Saturday afternoon by the vibrant hot pink flowers and how wonderfully healthy all of the plants were.  Being without my camera at the time, and with poor lighting, I returned Sunday morning to be rewarded with no traffic and with morning light that gave lovely shadows.  Two lessons were learned here:  1)  even a lowly median strip can be made to look beautiful, and 2) don't leave home without a camera!

You will have four (4) weeks to work on this challenge. Remember to follow the "Rules of the Road" on the right and send me your images as an attachment to your email by October 24, when you also will be able to see what I have in store for you for the November challenge. Thanks to everyone who participates.

Happy painting!